- coffin skate donates
- jam skating
- plate guide
- quarantine skating tips
- trail skating
- wheel guide

Coffin Skate Shop·
Introducing Coffin Skate Donates!
Introducing Coffin Skate Donates!A huge part of why Coffin Skate Shop exists today is because of community. One of our values as a shop is to be inclusive for everyone who steps through our doors. Over the past three years, we have welcomed folks from all walks of life through roller derby, roller discos, and queer-focused events. However, one aspect that we recognize needs works is our inclusivity towards the black and indigenous community. We have been listening and learning in the past few months. We acknowledge that we are in a privileged position as white people, and are...
- coffin skate donates
- jam skating
- plate guide
- quarantine skating tips
- trail skating
- wheel guide